Monday, December 23, 2013

Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale

What does a good father give his child for Christmas?  A shot gun of course!  It might sound like a terrible idea to most people, except for the fact that it will allow the child to defend himself from Santa Claus.  This is not you ordinary Santa though. This Santa is supernatural, likes ginger bread and punishes naughty children when he's not biting people's faces off.  He's also creepy as hell!   I did't want to post the trailer to this awesome movie because it honestly didn't do it justice.  It's one of those movies that draws you in and you can't stop watching it because you need to see what will happen next.  It's crazy and creepy, off the wall but all in all a great dark comedy with an interesting take on Christmas.  Thank you Netflix for the amazing suggestion of Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale!